The Simplicity of Post Processing

By Matthew Rivers

Fundamentals of Post Processing

Even though post processing can be a lot of fun, it can also consume all of your time. Yet, by using some of the tips from this post, you'll have the chance to improve this process. By concentrating on your photography alone, you'll be able to take quality photos that will impress.

Even though many might feel that post processing is just a way to cheat yourself to good photography, you'll find that you really can learn much about your photography skills during the process. As you examine how to improve your photographs with editing software, you'll find how you can improve your skills in real life. Thus, post processing can used as a means to invaluable lessons about your own photography.

During post production, you have the chance to learn some important lessons about similar mistakes that you have been making. Then, as you begin to identify your weaknesses and work to build new habits, you'll get improved results. That's why the approach you take to editing software can be the key to improving your skills as a photographer.

Post-Processing Tips

Normally, I would begin a conversation on post processing with some of the best ways to streamline your workflow. But recently, I've seen the value in first gaining focused concentration on the task at hand, which means shutting out the world so you have time for what's most important. Unfortunately, today we have some many opportunities for distraction that it's not even funny. Yet, without focus, there is little hope of achieving your goals. Start by shutting down all of those distractions.

Next, when you can finally jump into the details of workflow, it will be helpful to customize your workspace. When you have all of your equipment laid out in a way that works best for you, you'll be amazed at the time you can save. Not only that, but as you find the tasks that you often repeat, and learn to group them together, you'll find you've saved yourself a lot of time in switching from one task to another--a key to great workflow.

Also, learning keyboard shortcuts can help to greatly improve your workflow. Although it may seem like a little thing, it can be an effective time saver over the life of your career. Hence, by taking a few moments to learn from the help menu, you can reduce your overall time spent in your editing program.

Finally, don't underestimate the power of honing your photography skills to the point that you need little editing. While this should be the goal of every great photographer, often because it requires diligence, it is never achieved to the degree that is possible. For example, you would be amazed at how much time can be saved in editing a batch of photographs just by getting the white balance where it should be. Continue to improve each of your skills, and post processing will soon be quite quick.

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