Choosing Wedding Ceremony Music For New Jersey Nuptial Rites

By Josephine Pennington

Music is usually a part of wedding ceremonies, regardless of whether the ceremony is formal or casual. There are many different ways in which the songs can become as memorable as the other parts of the ceremonies. As with other parts of the wedding plans, the pieces should be appreciated by the bride and groom and have meaning for them. Here are some suggestions for choosing wedding ceremony music New Jersey couples will find memorable.

Your will need to decide on the theme of the wedding. This can affect the selection of musical pieces which are available. In other words, a garden wedding will probably not include majestic organ renditions. The difference between more traditional pieces and today's modern love ballads can be fairly obvious. If you like the strains of a more traditional wedding processional, but want the latest love song from a current artist, that is another option.

Songs selected can be either instrumental or vocal. Typical instrumental pieces might be played while guests are arriving and during the processional and recessional. There may be solos presented during the ceremony itself. With many locations for weddings, a keyboard or stringed instruments can perform the background music, or can even be used for solo presentations.

It is fairly typical to have at least one solo type presentation during the nuptials. This is often a song of love or commitment sung by an individual. The singer can be a friend or relative with a good voice or could be a professional if desired. In either case, you will want to be sure that the piece which is selected for the presentation is one which the vocalist knows and can handle from a technical standpoint.

You will need to think about a different type of songs to be presented during the reception. Often the location changes between the two parts of the ceremonies, so you can also make a shift in the type of music as well. If the reception includes a traditional first dance of the couple, you will also need to think about the type of music appropriate for that segment of activities.

Creating a playlist for the reception is something that may be best accomplished by a professional DJ. You can work with the DJ to find selections that are appropriate to the interests and age of your guests. A pro can offer suggestions, but will work with you to find music in your style and preferences.

There are dozens of ideas which can be found online to spark creative ways to work melodies into the typical activities which surround a marriage rite. If your rites are strictly non-traditional, look for pieces that will carry out the theme. A beach ceremony, for example might rely on pieces related to sun and sand.

Regardless of the type of ceremony, the musical selections should be meaningful to the couple. Don't be afraid to step outside of traditional pieces. This will allow the wedding day to be meaningful to the couple as they establish their own traditions.

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