Understanding The Canadian Record Label Operation

By Linda Williams

A record label is a company that artists sign with to record their music. A label is entitled with the duty of marketing, managing brands for artists, distributing music videos and sound tunes as well as making sure that the copyright of the artists work are adhered to. A label such as Canadian record label also manages trademarks.

Knowing the different categories of record labels is a must do thing for an artist before settling down for a certain company. The different kinds of companies have different term and different way of operating. It is advisable that an artist consults with his or her legal advisers to ensure that the choice will be legally bidding and stable thus ensuring smooth running.

There are different kinds of labels that are in operation in the industry. The major, minor-major and the independent labels are the different types of brands that are functional in the market. A major brand works under or is affiliated to a big recording company that is internationally recognized. These internationally recognized record firms are famously known as the big four. A major can choose to be affiliated to BMG or Universal Music Group. It can also choose to be associated to either SONY or Warner Music Group.

Mini-majors are medium sized companies which are co-owned by the major brands. Mini-majors distribute through the big four and are affiliated to them. Finally independent labels are small types of companies. They do their distribution on their own. They are not affiliated to any of the big international companies nor are they associated with the Mini-majors.

These signing companies and their artists have been colliding for a while due to differences in their priorities, maybe the company wants to market the art by all means and get the best deal out of it whereas the artist wants the originality of his or her work to remain intact, his signing company may need to change the title of a song which is not welcomed so well by artists. A signed agreement in form of a contract works well in solving this dispute, thus every artist should make sure that he or she has a contract that meets his needs.

Due to the rise in the many ways of using the internet, many of these artist signing companies have experienced their fair share of difficulties on the market. It has become easier to share files over the internet making it possible for artists to do their own marketing and selling through the web at a much lower cost.

Music companies have come up with new methods of curbing the problem brought about by use of internet by artists. Since online selling of music is less profitable, the companies offer the artists better deals that make them more money and more value to their work. This happens mostly with artists that have a well-established market.

An artist is thus required to conduct good research before settling for a given company to handle his or her work. The success of the artist will directly depend on how established and experienced a recording company has been. Past experiences by artists can help when making a decision on which signing company to go with.

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