The Art Of Indie Rock Music Video Promotion

By Eric Stone

Music moves people. In cases of people who exercise with a dedicated workout playlist, this is to be taken literally. But music is also an artistic expression, the language of the soul, so to speak.

Humankind has looked to something greater than itself. Not something to look straight at, but to look up to. It used to be the gods of old. The words and gospels of these divine beings bestowed upon the grateful masses by prophets and priests. But that was the past. Tempus fugit. Times flies. The march towards progress is inevitable and no man or industry no matter how iconic is safe from it. The prophets and the priests found themselves being replaced by entertainers and others. But some of these entertainers are more akin to underground cults than outright religions. But they still get their gospels out there with indie rock music video promotion.

An indie rock band is like a regular rock band. The main difference is that an indie rock band does not have the backing of a major record label. This means that they will not have producers, sound engineers, publicists, or the connections to get an album in retailers. An indie band will also have to pay for recording sessions, touring, and merchandise out of pocket.

Getting a name out there is never easy. Even in the age of social media, it is still very difficult for a band to become known to more than a handful of people. Because the market is so flooded with acts dreaming of stepping out of private jets to throngs of adoring crowds, voices, not matter how unique or talented, can get lost in the shuffle.

But social media has made all kinds of things possible. Singers and bands have reached the highest levels of fame by starting out with nothing more than page where they uploaded their songs onto. In this new day and age, social media is also the most effective way to promote an up and coming act.

But no act would ever be complete without touring. Most performers earn the majority of their revenue from the proceeds gained from tours. Touring, that is travelling from one town to the next and playing venues of all kinds, can bring in publicity like nothing else.

But getting back to the actual video itself. Anyone can record a music video nowadays. The only items that are necessary are a good phone with a camera and a computer. A halfway decent video can be an exorbitant cost however.

But no amount of pageantry will cover up a bad song. A band can have the most elaborate music video in the world, with special effects and explosions, and it can still fail if the song accompanies it is crap. A good song can elevate any music video, it is in fact the heart of it.

Life can be rather plain. But there are moments where it can be spiced up. But those moments are just that, moments, and they are fleeting. If they are recorded, then they can be relived.

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