Secrets Of A Neil Diamond Impersonator

By Catalina Nielsen

There are quite a few choices one may make when trying to find the perfect event entertainment. Some of those options are acts such as comedy routines, cover bands, variety shows and dancing groups. However, one of the top selections for several decades has been that of a very talented Neil Diamond impersonator.

His sultry and haunting voice has been enchanting the masses for well over four decades now. He is one of those timeless figures who have found a way into the hearts of people spanning many generations. Having a performer who not only looks like the real thing but also moves and sounds like him, could be the perfect way to get the crowd cheering.

A tribute artist is one who pays homage to an iconic figure by performing their music, though an impersonator takes this dedication to a new level. They spend an enormous amount of time fine tuning their likeness to the celebrity on many different facets. Their goal is to perfect not just their appearance, but their movements and voice as well.

Even the littlest detail must be attended in order to get the biggest impact. When choosing to imitate someone as well known as this, those small things can be major. He has some of the most dedicated followers and to them, his appearance, his movements and especially his voice are instantly recognizable and if someone is going to copy them, it had better be done correctly.

The act starts with a strong likeness to the star. The individual must then find ways to perfectly mimic each detail such as his smile, his eyes, his body type and that very distinctly coiffed hair. When it comes to clothing, in this particular case, it is easily done with some tight fitting pants, a jazzy scarf and blouse type shirts that are flashy and low cut, allowing a fair amount of chest hair to show.

The way one moves is also something that must be fine tunes. When someone lives in the spotlight, those who admire them tend to lock in on certain behaviors they do and that becomes like a trademark gesture when emulation is in play. It might be a simple hand movement or the way his hair is flipped and most definitely the way one swaggers across the stage.

The final and absolutely necessary aspect to creating a complete tribute package, is learning to perfectly mimic the voice. For many this is the most difficult task because this star has a unique, deep and sultry voice that is well known and cherished by millions. Most serious performers will take voice lessons in order to get their sound as authentic as possible and spend countless hours practicing pitch and growls.

There is a lot of attention and dedication to detail involved in becoming a high quality Neil Diamond impersonator. As one of the all time great American entertainers, he has a presence that is beloved by people of several generations. Having someone who has worked and trained very hard to look like the icon and can belt out a "Sweet Caroline" rendition that is hard to distinguish from the genuine article, is a true treat.

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