The Importance Of Instrument Cleaning

By Angela Briggs

It is crucial to have your musical instruments inspected regularly. This inspection helps you find out whether the instruments need to be cleaned so as to produce the highest quality sound. Discussed in this peace is the significance of musical instrument cleaning and the best way of doing it.

To begin with, you should keep your instruments away from moisture. This is vital because some instruments like those made of brass and nickel can corrode if exposed to excess moisture. Also, wooden ones are likely to expand and later split after absorbing excess water. For that reason, you need to keep their surfaces dry at all times. Use a piece of cloth to wipe out any water deposits on the surfaces of the instruments.

The woodwind instruments have pads that are used to cover the holes so as to produce different sounds. If the pads absorb water, they become wet and may not be able to cover the holes well. This makes the instrument unable to produce high quality sound. To improve the quality of sound produced by the woodwind instrument, ensure that the pads are dry at all times.

Acids from the body may also cause harm to your music instruments. These acids usually come out of the body through a process known as perspiration. They include hydrochloric acid, lactic, and many others. Such acids attack metals such as brass, aluminum and nickel. To prevent your instruments from being attacked by these acids, wipe out the perspiration every time you use your musical instruments.

The saliva from the mouth also contains some acids that may attack metal. For instance, carbonic acid is usually present in the saliva. Other acids are also formed in the mouth depending on the kind of food eaten and the hygienic condition of the mouth. Soft solder is affected by acids from saliva. Areas that are soldered can be eaten out entirely by these saliva acids. That is why the inside of musical instruments should be cleaned thoroughly in order to remove these acids.

There are people who use water instead of oil to lubricate their instruments. Hard water is not suitable for lubrication. This is because it has salts that can attack the devices and reduce their efficiency. They do this by forming white deposits on your musical instruments after use. You should opt for distilled water any time you want to lubricate your instruments. They water should be wiped out immediately after using them to prevent further attacks.

Foreign materials can also harm your instruments. Food particles or any other stuff can cause blockage in wind instruments. Note that instruments with some blockages cannot produce quality sound. Materials that cause such blockage should be cleaned immediately. Remember that they may find their way to your lungs as you blow the instrument, which is actually health hazard.

Corrosion may also attack the piston valves of your musical instruments. Foreign substances are also likely to accumulate in the piston valves rendering them inefficient. If dirt builds up in these pistons, the entire instrument may not work properly. You must ensure that all the dirt is removed for the instruments to be efficient. Consider looking for an instrument cleaning professional to do the work on your behalf.

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