Uncover Light Trails

By Matthew Rivers

In essence, light trails are a method of shooting a light source that moves over time. A couple of examples would be fireworks, headlights of automobiles from a distance, or stars in the night sky. Since you will need a stationary camera, be able to set the exposure time, and shoot until the photo is complete, you can see that capturing light trails is rather easy!

Even though it is slightly more complicated, the main idea is to use longer exposures to create the trails you desire. If, however, you would like to take a shot that draws attention, a little more careful planning will need to go into the details. Some of those details include choosing the location, taking the photo with the right exposure, and determining how the image will be framed. Keep in mind, the clearer your idea of the final shot, the better your results will be!

Choose Your Location

When you have the exact image in your mind for your light trail, then you're set to begin selecting the location. But, where do you begin? As you keep the following three ideas in mind, you'll be able to determine where to start.

1. The possibilities are unlimited, but only you can decide what you really want.

2. When you visualize what you want, you can make it happen.

3. When no inspiration comes to you, either choose to wait until the idea presents itself or view the work of others on this topic for ideas.

How to Determine Shutter Settings

Most cameras now have a mode that lets the photographer keep the shutter open as long as you need. With this feature, you'll be able to accurately shoot your photography. Still, you might want to consider a remote device that will allow shutter release without the movement possibly caused by the weight of your hand on the camera.

Timing for Exposure

Since there is no right or wrong timing for your shot, let your visualization of the final image be the determinant. The longer your trail needs to be, the longer your exposure time will be. Thus, you really choose the exposure time depending on the length of the trail you want.

Finding the Key to Light Trails

While there are many tips that could be shared about photographing light trails, the key to this type of photography is working with the light until you get the desired image. I learned early on that the crucial element is really to experiment extensively. The beauty of digital photography is that this can be conveniently done on a continual basis until you have exactly what you want. So basically, know what you want, and play with the details until it becomes a reality!

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