The Advantages Of School Music Festivals

By Paulette Short

The entertainment value derived from musical performances at concerts is undeniable. It is true though that these events are the springboard for many successful careers. Educators and other stakeholders are clearly aware of this and this is why they have resorted to the use of school music festivals to unearth hidden talent and shape the future.

The motivating power of these concerts cannot be denied. They are often used to get students to bond together to achieve a particular aim, socialize or simply relax after an extended period of stressful academic life. Education stakeholders often refer to the fact that the educational institution prepares the child for the world. In this light they argue for the need for social events of this nature citing the fact that the children will need to socialize with others in the wider world.

The type of musical entertainment that may be used for these events is varied because the industry boasts an infinite amount of possibilities when it comes to entertainment pieces. It is not unusual to find, however that the musical entertainment used for such an event is mainly from one particular genre or focuses on one particular issue. This means that the event is planned using a theme. Sometimes though, it is planned with no particular theme in mind and as such a number of musical genres are experienced.

Like many similar events, musical concerts are sometimes planned around a theme. This means that the genre of music as well as the message delivered is uniformed. For some such events though, there is no identifiable theme and all genres of musical entertainment are used. Regardless of the structure of the entertainment patrons are bound to find something that appeals to their needs and tastes.

The benefits derived from these events are not only social though, they are also economical. Schools that undertake fundraisers often use music-based concerts use the funds to supplement their budgets. This is what has enabled many institutions to survive trying financial times. The money is use to enhance a building, buy equipment, improve resources or fulfill some other need. Sometimes it is donated to charity if this is the goal agreed on.

If the event is carried out within the institution, it also serves as a good way to unearth hidden talent in the students. When the new talent is revealed, specialist teachers can work with the students to enhance their natural abilities, thus shaping their future by laying a strong foundation. Students also learn to appreciate the work done by those who entertain as a profession since they face the same challenges first hand.

There are also benefits to be derived from competitions that often accompany events of this nature. Sometimes a competition is launched or established through festivals of this nature. The music department in schools typically enter the school's choir or instrumental group. Money or other types of prizes are often won this way.

School music festivals are undeniably a crucial part of any academic institution. This is why progressive schools around the world have adopted the events and made them a part of their curriculum. The results are evident in the rounded nature of the graduates of these institutions.

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